The interactive website that partners The Car and Motorcycle Theory Test book

Our Service Standards

These pages include extracts from the DVLA's D100 leaflet called "What you need to know about driving licences". You can download the original document by following this link.
This leaflet and these pages gives general information. It is not a statement of law.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information reproduced is correct, Select All cannot not be held responsible for any inaccuracies

We aim to give you the best possible service at all times. If you would like a copy of our Customer Service Guide
(INS101) or our complaints procedures leaflet ‘If Things Go Wrong’ (INS121) please contact us (contact details
are shown in section 20) or you can find them on the website at
Please tell us:
• when we do well;
• when we fail to achieve our service standards;
• how we could improve our services; and
• if you have any comments on this or any other DVLA document.
Please write to:
Mr Ian Broom
Customer Services Manager
Fax: 01792 766416